Websites utilizing HTML5 are popping up all over the internet, creating web apps that don’t require Flash, or any other plug-in for that matter.  The grand practical uses are being explored by sites like Scribd where you can read all manner of books and documents, viewing them as pages you can scroll down, as a slideshow, or as if they were turnable pages.

On the less practical but more playful side, a great many web developers are using the new features to explore their creativity.

Hakim El Hattabb has several games and all-around cool apps on his website.  You can create a tune, avoid red dots, or play with particles.



Want to explore your creativity?  Give deviantART‘s recently released app, Muro, a try.  Some of the artists on deviantART have created pretty spectacular paintings with Muro.  It’s certainly a lot of fun to play around with!
