Could Your Hotel Use A Fresh Marketing Boost?
Nobody is born knowing marketing. And no hotel is created with a complete marketing system in place.
Especially in the case of the many boutique hotels that we talk with, it’s a DIY thing, and time is short.

True Blue surprised us. They have a marketing team full of very talented members. We were impressed that they called upon us for our marketing consultation, and that’s when it hit us:
It isn’t that the hotels that kick butt don’t need help. The hotels that are kicking butt do so because they get great help.
Our sessions are awesome.
We video chat with 7-9 folks on a regular basis to assess the marketing they’re currently doing and flesh out ideas to make it even more fabulous. It’s been super fun to work with them on transforming their vision of their booking funnel — a useful model that illustrates the theoretical journey potential guests take from brand discovery to booking. Basically, our aim is to contextualize, simplify, and create natural links between each step of the booking process. We’ve even covered some key points with them from our upcoming course: Hotel Marketing Jump-Start. We’re SO stoked about it and can’t wait to share it with you in the future!
We’re all about hands-on collaboration.
Recently we had a great time crafting a draft landing page together as an example. This rough mockup of their scuba diving landing page isn’t pretty (yet), but it’s an example of an outstanding exercise done live, where everyone is putting themselves in the shoes — or fins — of their customers. It’s pretty exhilarating to see it come together in real time!
Overall, everyone on the True Blue marketing team is getting a great sense of why they do what they do — and how it fits into the overall booking funnel.
For us, that’s what it’s all about! We love the hospitality industry — our lifestyle basically centers around it, and we regularly experience first-hand how much an intentional, kick-ass marketing strategy can thrill and soothe the traveler’s soul. Seeing how you can make a greater difference in that big picture is super motivating to us!
We’re certainly psyched.
True Blue is a very special team that’s passionate and responsive, and they’re making all kinds of cool things happen. It’s an honor to work with them — and the fact that they host the Grenada Chocolate Fest is close to our hearts, too. <3
In upcoming sessions, we’ll cover some more really cool stuff. We’re excited to share some of the top-level points with you!
Interested in getting in on some session action with us too? Learn more about our services or drop us a line!