Streamlined Redesign

Streamlined Redesign

We developed the capital campaign mini-site swiftly, and in a modular way — so that essentials were in place for soft launch, and so that it is easy to add new features in future development.

Prompting major donors, our site design forges the way forward for a pivotal capital campaign from Manhattan to the Bronx.

Community-Boosting Event & Sponsorship Site

Community-Boosting Event & Sponsorship Site

We developed the capital campaign mini-site swiftly, and in a modular way — so that essentials were in place for soft launch, and so that it is easy to add new features in future development.

Prompting major donors, our site design forges the way forward for a pivotal capital campaign from Manhattan to the Bronx.

Adaptable Capital Campaign Mini-Site

Adaptable Capital Campaign Mini-Site

We developed the capital campaign mini-site swiftly, and in a modular way — so that essentials were in place for soft launch, and so that it is easy to add new features in future development.

Prompting major donors, our site design forges the way forward for a pivotal capital campaign from Manhattan to the Bronx.